What is wrong with Putin?

That is an excellent question! What the heck is wrong with the guy? Was he dropped on the head when he was a baby? Did he always get picked last at recess? What causes a guy with unlimited money and power to want more? He already had the largest home known to man, private yachts, helicopters, chefs, etc. What else could he gain by starting a war? Actually, asking what is wrong with Putin won't solve anything. There will always be crazy people, and sometimes they become very powerful. The better question is, how do we stop one crazy person from starting wars?

Outside our own country, we don't have a lot of say in the matter. That is why we will always need a strong military to defend ourselves and our allies from men like Putin and Hitler. However, inside our country, we do have a say.

Our constitution and delegation of power is a tremendous tool to help prevent a senile old fool from making ad-hock decisions for the entire country (I'm still talking about Putin here, haha). We must passionately support those that espouse limited government, limited power, and clear boundaries between the branches of government. If America ever goes to war, America should make that decision, not one crazy guy at the top. God bless those fighting for freedom everywhere in the world!

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