Hearing Test

Can I purchase hearing aids without a test?


Your hearing aids will require a hearing test to be adjusted for your specific loss, but we can perform a highly accurate hearing test in the comfort of your own home, after you receive your new hearing aids. We will connect remotely to them via a connection with your hearing aids through your phone, perform a hearing test, and customize them for your hearing loss. Additionally, if you already have a hearing test simply use the button above to upload your test, or you can text us a picture of your test to 801-784-6900, or email it to info@purehearing.com.

A hearing test will provide an accurate guide on how your hearing aids should be configured for your specific needs, but what if you don’t have one? can you still go ahead with your purchase. At Pure Hearing we offer a highly accurate and effective test for fitting hearing aids, it can be done in-office or remotely, this enables us to make precise adjustments based on your individual needs and hearing loss.

I just don’t feel comfortable buying from a company that does not have my hearing test results

Do you relate with that feeling? We know all hearing loss is difficult, and we want to reassure you our heart really goes out to you and we are here to help.

While an in-office test provides slightly greater accuracy, it is not always essential as we have found minimal differences in results between in-office and remotely. Alternatively, if you prefer, you have the option to undergo a test with a local audiologist and share the results with us for further assistance.