Snow Day

Growing up in the Great White North provided me with several snow days. Those were precious hallowed days that only came after much praying from all the kids to the snow gods. Playing in the snow, building snow people (a little P.C. there), and having snowball fights were the name of the game. The day usually ended with red noses, hot chocolate, and another prayer for more snow. This year Utah has given my kids a few "Late Start Snow Days" but no "day-off Snow Days." So, this past Wednesday, we decided to turn the late start into a no-start. Yup, my baby girl got her first full snow day of the year.

We built an epic snowman, drank hot chocolate, played a few games, and made memories that will last a lifetime. In this hectic world, we all need a snow day every once in a while to stop the crazy in our lives and have fun with those we love. It helps us re-focus and reconnect and can bring us much happiness. If you've been running through life with a hearing problem, maybe your ears need a snow day. Take a break for a couple of minutes and come give them a warm cup of hearing.

We're the kids on the playground that are super fun to play with because we accept you as you are. We'll help you build a fort (of hearing) and choose you to be on our team. Let's do this together! You, us, and your insurance company vs. your hearing loss. Together we'll solve your hearing problem, find you the perfect hearing aids, and save you thousands of dollars. Let it snow!


How Many National Parks Have You Been To?


60 Seconds Could Save You 85% On Hearing Aids