The Dark Side Of Humans

Why do we honor and respect people who give of themselves without expecting anything in return? I'm talking about the Mother Theresas, the Gahndis, and the George Washingtons of the world. These people stand out because despite how noble we think we might be, most of us come out pretty 50/50 on the serving/selfish scale. The truth is that for every kind and gracious thought we have, there's a selfish one that counterbalances it. It's hard to put others first and suppress the desire for self-gratification, power, fame, laziness, and endless fun. Given the opportunity, most humans choose the shortcut and a life of luxury and ease.

This fact is the precise problem when one group of people is placed over another group of people to lead them. The tendency is to use that power to enrich oneself instead of serving, which is why we must limit this power. The United States of America's Constitution does just that; it limits power! Any person, party, or group that seeks to destroy, minimize, or significantly change the Constitution threatens the freedoms of us all. We take our freedoms for granted like we do the air we breathe. We expect it; it's always been and will always be, but will it? Freedom is not a foregone conclusion. Many of our ancestors gave their last dying breath for it.

The very least we can do is to study, ponder, and pray to find and choose the leaders who love the Constitution as much as we do. Then, for the love of all that is holy, vote like it's one of the most important things you've ever had the privilege to do because it is.

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