Fighting The Voices In Our Head

Life is a labyrinth of tunnels, doors, zig-zags, dead ends, and, sometimes, glorious vistas. The captain of our ship as we navigate these complicated waters are the voices in our head. Outside voices give us advice, teach us, tear us down or lift us up, but they don't turn the rudder. Any action we take is because we think, determine, and then do. We are extremely susceptible to having outside voices shape our inside dialogs when we are young. Once we internalize a thought and tell ourselves something is valid (i.e., I am not good at math), it becomes challenging to rewrite that voice. We tell ourselves, "I am not good at math," and that is our mantra for the rest of our lives. The truth is that many of the voices we have programmed into our heads aren't accurate. They are a mix of ideas and perceptions of people we grew up with and lessons we have learned along the way. Often they are not an accurate picture of reality, which is why it is essential to stay teachable throughout our lives.

When we are trying something new or facing a challenge, and that voice inside says, "you can't do this, you're too small, too dumb, or too whatever," that voice is most likely wrong (unless, of course, you are trying to jump the grand canyon on a motorcycle in which case, listen to that voice).

Have years of hearing loss possibly shaped or misshaped your views of yourself? Have you ever thought that you are just not social anymore? Could that be a result of your hearing loss instead of who you truly are? Have you ever told yourself, "I don't really need hearing aids; I'm fine the way I am," or "I can't afford hearing aids."

We can help you fight those negative voices regarding hearing loss. I've personally seen people's relationship blossom and personalities change. Use your insurance and our lowest-price guarantee to rewrite YOUR hearing story. You can do this!


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